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The discipline of Integrative Medicine provides care that combines the best of traditional medical care with more natural approaches. Depending on your interest and goals, most conditions can be approached in an integrative manner. Most commonly, individuals seek care focused on:

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Pain from Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Injury

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Integrating Complementary/Alternative Treatment 

  • Mental Health Concerns

  • Disease Prevention

  • Health Promotion


Integrative Practitioners offers individualized, compassionate and holistic care based on the principles of functional medicine and evidenced based science resulting in "integrative medicine" or the combining of the best of conventional and complementary medicine.  

















Care starts with a thorough assessment that includes an in-depth conversation and physical exam. Many times it will also include a review of medical records from previous health care providers as well as a review of laboratory or other tests such as prior imaging studies. Additional diagnostic tests we order are done by local services and those costs are often covered by your insurance. 


Treatment of conditions depends first and foremost on what you value and want for your health. Typically, treatment includes a variety of measures aimed at healing the cause of one's illness as well as amelioration of symptoms.


We believe in the healing properties of the natural world and offer interventions such as:

  • Food as medicine

  • Progressive, strengthening exercise

  • Refined sleep hygiene measured by restorative sleep

  • Mind-body techniques aimed at finding inner peace


The American Holistic Medicine Association reflects our philosophy succinctly in their stated principles: 

1. Optimal Health. Optimal Health is  the  conscious  pursuit  of  the  highest  level  of  functioning  and  balance  of  the  physical, environmental, mental, emotional, social  and spiritual aspects of human experience, resulting in a dynamic state of being fully alive.

2. The Healing Power of Love. Holistic health care practitioners strive to meet the patient with grace, kindness, acceptance and spirit without condition, as love is life's most powerful healer.

3. Whole Person. Holistic health care practitioners view people as the unity of body, mind, spirit and the systems in which they live.

4. Prevention and Treatment. A holistic approach relieves symptoms, modifies contributing factors and enhances the patient's life system to optimize future well being.

5. Innate Healing Power. All people have innate powers of healing in their bodies, minds and spirits.

6. Integration of Healing Systems. The realm of choices for treatment may include lifestyle modification and complementary approaches, as well as conventional drugs and surgery.

7. Relationship-Centered Care. The ideal practitioner-patient relationship is a partnership which encourages patient autonomy, and values the needs and insights of both parties.

8. Individuality. Holistic health care practitioners focus patient care on the unique needs and nature of the person who has an illness rather than the illness that has the person.

Modified and reprinted with permission from the American Holistic Medical Association.





600 East Genesee Street, Suite #114

Syracuse, NY 13202


fax 315.221.9736 or 315.825.4303


Copyright 2017 - all rights reserved.

Site Photographs - Carol Disalvo Photography -


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